Спайс Маркет, Ленинградская область, Our company has been engaged in wholesale supplies of Indian spices and ingredients for all sectors of the food industry for more than 15 years. 
We are a direct importer of the highest quality spices and herbs directly from the picturesque lands of India, which contain only natural raw materials of the best quality without flavors, fragrances, dyes and GMOs. 
Suppliers of our spices are carefully selected, and all products undergo a three-level quality control system. The products are processed and packaged to preserve their authentic flavors and aromas. 
Our wide range of spices will satisfy the diverse tastes and culinary needs of our retail customers. Our assortment includes more than 150 types of spices and seasonings, as well as very tasty
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  7 мая  2024г. Вторник             Реклама на сайте  

Спайс Маркет, Ленинградская область, Our company has been engaged in wholesale supplies of Indian spices and ingredients for all sectors of the food industry for more than 15 years. We are a direct importer of the highest quality spices and herbs directly from the picturesque lands of India, which contain only natural raw materials of the best quality without flavors, fragrances, dyes and GMOs. Suppliers of our spices are carefully selected, and all products undergo a three-level quality control system. The products are processed and packaged to preserve their authentic flavors and aromas. Our wide range of spices will satisfy the diverse tastes and culinary needs of our retail customers. Our assortment includes more than 150 types of spices and seasonings, as well as very tasty

Спайс Маркет, ООО

Виды деятельности:

 Северо-Западный ФО РФ
 Ленинградская область

Краткая информация: Our company has been engaged in wholesale supplies of Indian spices and ingredients for all sectors of the food industry for more than 15 years. We are a direct importer of the highest quality spices and herbs directly from the picturesque lands of India, which contain only natural raw materials of the best quality without flavors, fragrances, dyes and GMOs. Suppliers of our spices are carefully selected, and all products undergo a three-level quality control system. The products are processed and packaged to preserve their authentic flavors and aromas. Our wide range of spices will satisfy the diverse tastes and culinary needs of our retail customers. Our assortment includes more than 150 types of spices and seasonings, as well as very tasty

ИНН: 7802590893/780201001
Почтовый адрес: Всеволожский район, дер. Агалатово, ул. Военный городок, 120, St Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, Russia, 188653
Юридический адрес: 194354, г. Санкт-Петербург, вн.тер.г. Муниципальный Округ Сосновское, пр-кт Луначарского, д. 13, к. 1, литера А, помещ. 6-Н
Телефон: +7 (904) 5578013
Сайт: https://spicemarket.store/
Дата изменения информации: 29.02.2024

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